Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oh mah god.
I realized that I haven't updated this blog since March :o
I think i'll actually start posting again because tumblr is getting way~ to social justice bloggy for me. 
I just like seeing lots of funny stuff on my dash, but lately it's just been crammed with people looking way to much into t.v. shows or jumping down someone's throat for voicing an opinion and then acting like they've just one the Nobel Peace Prize for doing so LOL. 

Anywayyys. Christmas is coming soon (lawl it's not even december yet) and i'm a little more comfortable with that, seeing as we've been settled into our house for a year and we're not broke as fuck. My mom is even excited to decorate :D
I definitely know Christmas isn't about the gifts but anyone who's been in a tight financial situation around this time of year knows that the holidays are a whole different feel, man. 
I'm not going to get too far into that and end this post right now because ...well... it sucks ass to think about stuff like that ('^ ิ ∀ ^ ิ `) 
I am starting to enjoy the Christmas spirit again though...
Hope you are all well!