Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So i'm not going to sit here and bullshit anybody about why I haven't been posting on my blog. 

I haven't been overwhelmed with classes or anything, though I did get sick my second week in :/

But everything has been going pretty well. save for some little drama here and there.

Ugh and I know my blog layout suckssss. But i don't like too much going on ya know. I'll fix it up eventually.

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If you don't have me added on fb or other places, i'll give you a quick style update for these last few months.

Went for a kind of kurogyaru look

and now i'm stuck on Manba again! (thanks Shaka) ahah
I plan on continuing this style through summer and maybe even after that?
not sure. But definitely want to start using tanning beds and getting darker *o*
i'm really excited about it! LOL

Totally unrelated but I've actually gotten alot of skincare/beauty shit over the last 2 weeks. Pretty much all because of couponing.

Incredibly hard to pass up considering i basically spent 54 cents an item! All drugstore stuff, but all stuff i can use! And the cheapest Physician's Formula skincare retails for $20 so you better believe i'm going to jump on that.

Ugh I'm a horrible blogger. I don't have much to blog about today so i'll add anything i've forgotten in a video for my YT tomorrow. I desperately need to update that and a FB page i help out with.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sick Day/ New Nails!

Ello, ello, ello!!
I hope everyone is doing mega well and better than I am! 
I seem to have gotten sick overnight...well sicker. I started having slight stomach flu symptoms the other day, then my sinuses began to get stuffed, and then i woke up this morning with a horrible cough, stuffy nose, and aches & pains all over! It doesn't help that I did a huge workout yesterday as well. (。´-д-)

that warning isn't for me btw lol

Every few minutes I have to run and grab a friggin' tissue so I can do a full blast sneeze. Sooo painful.
Even more so because I had gallbladder surgery like 2 wks ago and the spots where my incisions were are really sensitive rn. :/
Hopefully I'll be well soon so i won't have to sneeze up a storm during my classes.


When I was feeling okay yesterday I went ahead and did mah nails y'all!

My dad was nice enough to buy me some new sculpting liquid and a new brush :D.... though i'm still kinda shit at acrylics. I reaaaaly like the way these came out even though i wanted pointier sculpted ones, but my nails are curved as hell and i can't really sculpt for crap! oh and can you believe it took me almost 4 hours to do both hands?!?! Obviously i took breaks and stuff but i'm so uncoordinated with my left hand and it took so damn long!! and they aren't even that good ._. i bet there is glitter fucking everywhere in my garage

OH and this is really off topic but after Christmas I plan on doing some major saving up. I need to do a lot more clothes shopping and I want to buy loads of new makeup! My bestie and I have been talking about just making one big trip out of it. And you now were going to go take loads of puri as well!! We haven been since January of last year! Wayyy to long right? But we go to Rowland Heights and its kind of a long trip and gas ain't cheap! I kind of want to go to a new place to take them but we'll see!

I'm also going to try my hardest to make it to at least one gal meet this year!! I feel a little more confident in my style, plus i'm going to start tanning soon. I think i'm worthy! ahaha

Well that's it for now! Make sure you guise stay healthy and warm, especially in this cold weather!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oh mah god.
I realized that I haven't updated this blog since March :o
I think i'll actually start posting again because tumblr is getting way~ to social justice bloggy for me. 
I just like seeing lots of funny stuff on my dash, but lately it's just been crammed with people looking way to much into t.v. shows or jumping down someone's throat for voicing an opinion and then acting like they've just one the Nobel Peace Prize for doing so LOL. 

Anywayyys. Christmas is coming soon (lawl it's not even december yet) and i'm a little more comfortable with that, seeing as we've been settled into our house for a year and we're not broke as fuck. My mom is even excited to decorate :D
I definitely know Christmas isn't about the gifts but anyone who's been in a tight financial situation around this time of year knows that the holidays are a whole different feel, man. 
I'm not going to get too far into that and end this post right now because ...well... it sucks ass to think about stuff like that ('^ ิ ∀ ^ ิ `) 
I am starting to enjoy the Christmas spirit again though...
Hope you are all well!